A Mother’s Struggle and Support

May 16, 2023

Adilah moved to Australia with hopes and dreams of starting a new life with her husband. She left behind everything she knew and loved, her family, her friends, and her home. It was a difficult decision to make, but she was confident that it was the right one.

However, things did not go as planned. Adilah found herself in a difficult situation when her husband left her and their two-year-old son. She was left alone to fend for herself and her child in a new country, with no one to turn to for help.

Despite the challenges, Adilah remained strong and determined to provide for her child. She worked hard to make ends meet, but it was not enough. Her work hours were reduced, and she struggled to keep up with the bills and other expenses. On top of that, her son had an ongoing medical condition that required constant attention, which made it difficult for her to work full-time.

Adilah's situation was dire, and she desperately needed financial assistance. She had just been granted a partner visa, but she did not receive Centrelink or any other form of assistance. It seemed like she had no one to turn to for help.

Adilah heard of The National Zakat Foundation and applied online, after assessing Adilah, we found she was eligible for Zakat. We stepped in and provided Adilah with much-needed support. We assisted her with rent and groceries, which lifted a huge burden off her shoulders. Adilah was overwhelmed with gratitude and felt blessed to have received such kindness and generosity.

Adilah was struggling to make ends meet, and the assistance she received from the National Zakat Foundation provided her with the much-needed breathing room she needed. With NZF’s support, she was able to focus on taking care of her son and finding ways to improve her financial situation. Despite her best efforts, Adilah knew that she couldn't do it alone. She understood that asking for help was okay and was determined to provide a better future for herself and her child.

If you or someone you know is experiencing financial hardships, please do not hesitate to reach out to us at The National Zakat Foundation (NZF). We are here to provide support and assistance to those in need.

All names and places have been changed to protect the identity of clients.

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