When Cancer can uproot families

October 5, 2022

Aslam and Abu Bakar are two of our recent clients. They come from quite different backgrounds with Aslam being on a student visa and Abu Bakar being an Asylum Seeker. Both were married – Aslam having a young family with a wife and 2 young children while Abu Bakar having a slightly larger and older family with a wife and 4 children, mostly in their teens.

However, there was one common aspect in both their lives. Their wives were the ones who helped look after the kids and keep the family together. And it was their wives who were both diagnosed with cancer that disrupted their lives completely.

With limited or no access to government benefits due to the nature of their visas, all of a sudden Aslam & Abu Bakar were faced with the choice of having to work to earn money or making the time to not only look after their wives but also the rest of the family.

Their Australian dream was crushed.

Stress levels increased by the day.

There was no light at the end of the tunnel.

Alhamdulillah, they came across NZF and our team was able to assist them with the required finances to ensure they were able to continue looking after their families while re-adjusting priorities that allowed them to work and also look after their families. After a few months, they were able to restructure their lives so they could be self-sustainable.

Thank you for your support & donations. Without your support, many families like Aslam’s and Abu Bakar’s would be broken when hit with sudden challenges, often leading to negative consequences such as children requiring foster care. By being able to assist them in their time of need, we are able to help keep families together, which in turn contributes towards protecting our faith & community.

*All names and places have been changed to protect the identity of clients.

All names and places have been changed to protect the identity of clients.

Caring Connections (Support Networks)

Helping Australian Muslims connect with each other and lift themselves up from the impacts of serious medical conditions.

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