Falling Through the Cracks

Falling Through the Cracks

Many Muslim Australians facing financial difficulties often fall through the cracks due to inadequate support and ineligibility for government services. Countless individuals and families are struggling with the challenge of accessing much-needed assistance. Some common misconceptions are that everyone is eligible for Centrelink support or that Centrelink alone guarantees a decent standard of living, this is not the case.

That's where NZF comes in. Specialising in implementing the Pillar of Zakat right here in Australia. NZF is tirelessly working daily to ‘catch’ those who are falling through the cracks.

Unseen no longer, we ensure your Zakat reaches our fellow Muslim Australians in their time of need.

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Who are those individuals that fall through the cracks?

Some individuals who fall through the cracks include, but are not limited to, the following:


Taking the Shahada marks a life-changing moment for new Muslims, but what comes next? The initial surge of excitement and attention they receive can often become overwhelming. This is where NZF steps in to fill these gaps. Our role extends beyond financial assistance. We actively engage with mosques and organisations to provide the support needed for new Muslims as they embark on their journey of faith exploration. Our aim is to help them delve deeper into their deen, offering guidance and connecting them with vital services that cater to their needs. By doing so, we strive to ensure that new Muslims receive the necessary support and resources to navigate their spiritual journey with confidence and ease.


Losing a loved one is an incredibly challenging experience. The weight of grief, combined with the added strain of financial stress, feels suffocating. The last thing you want to deal with is trying to figure out how to pay for the substantial burial bill that can amount to thousands of dollars. Not only do we offer financial aid to assist with the burial bill, but we also connect individuals with trusted partners who specialise in a range of Islamic services. These services include wills, legal consultancy, counselling sessions, funerals, and burials. By offering this holistic support, we strive to alleviate the burdens faced by individuals during such trying times, ensuring they receive the necessary help and guidance to navigate the practical and emotional aspects of bereavement in accordance with Islamic principles.


Single parents, whether mothers or fathers, face immense challenges as they juggle raising children, earning income, and managing households on their own. These responsibilities can significantly impact both the parent's well-being and the welfare of their children due to limited resources. NZF offers tailored support for single parents like financial assistance and collaborates with local mosques and organisations to ensure single parents receive the necessary help, including family activities, tutoring, mentoring, and counselling sessions. This comprehensive support empowers single parents to overcome their difficulties.


Children who are raised in homes without a father or male role model often experience a sense of being different or lacking something in their lives. As a result, they may develop feelings of resentment towards their family and the Muslim community for not being able to have a "normal" childhood and constantly having to make compromises. In many cases, inadequate income, financial difficulties, and lack of support from their mothers, who struggle to support themselves, contribute to these children feeling abandoned. NZF provides support to widows by addressing the additional needs of the children under their care that the widows themselves are unable to fulfill. This support extends beyond financial assistance and can include various activities such as Quran classes, sports, extracurricular classes, mentoring, and more. The aim is to offer comprehensive assistance to widows and their children in areas where they require support beyond their means.


Domestic violence poses a significant problem in both the general community and the Muslim community, often remaining concealed or denied. Each day, vulnerable Muslims endure silent suffering, experiencing social, emotional, financial, physical, and sexual abuse from trusted family members within a toxic home environment. NZF aim to raise awareness and support survivors of domestic and family violence who lack the means to provide for themselves. This support goes beyond financial assistance, collaborating with Service partners we assist with various aspects of their lives, such as counselling, mentoring, community care, and support activities for youth and children. The goal is to offer comprehensive assistance and services to help these survivors navigate through the challenges they face and rebuild their lives.


Refugees, displaced individuals, asylum seekers and migrants who are forced to leave their home countries and resettle in new nations often face significant hardships as they begin their lives anew. These challenges stem from various factors, including cultural adjustment, language barriers, limited access to resources, and discrimination. NZF provides financial assistance, and we work together with other organisations to make sure their needs are met, this ranges from activities to enhance family well-being, tutoring and mentoring, counselling for parents and children, access to employment services, skills workshops, and more. By working together with partner organisations, NZF strives to address the diverse needs of individuals and provide them with a range of services and support to enhance their well-being and prospects.


Addictive behaviours, including drug and alcohol use, visual addictions like gaming, social media, and pornography, as well as gambling, are prevalent in society, including among Muslims. These behaviours are often easier to develop than to overcome. Many individuals struggle with psychological coping and lack the ability to control themselves in these areas. The persistence of these addictive behaviours can cause significant distress and have detrimental effects on their personal lives and relationships with loved ones. NZF working with partners offer a comprehensive support program that encompasses various services. These services include, but are not limited to, providing financial assistance for essentials and access to necessary resources. Additionally, the program offers activities aimed at improving the well-being of families, mentoring services, counselling sessions, and psychotherapy specifically addressing trauma and addictions.


The elderly Muslims in our community, who have played significant roles in raising us and shaping our lives, deserve to be treated with utmost respect and care. Regrettably, many of these elderly individuals are neglected by their families, resulting in a lack of essential provisions such as fresh food, daily supplies, medical care, in-home assistance, and support with utility expenses like rent and electricity. This neglect leaves them vulnerable to poor health conditions and the risk of homelessness if their needs are not adequately addressed. NZF Support offers a range of assistance that includes, but is not limited to, financial support for various care expenses. This support encompasses covering basic needs such as food, medicine, and bills. Additionally, working with our partners we help with providing services in the field of aged care, geriatric medicine, and facilitates recovery and physiotherapy sessions. By offering this comprehensive support, NZF aims to address the diverse needs of individuals, ensuring they receive the necessary care and resources to enhance their well-being and quality of life.

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National Zakat Foundation © 2024